Coaching With Me
If you’re a woman in your forties or fifties and you know that something needs to change, then I’m here to work with you.
You may be feeling stuck with one, some or many aspects of your life. This can make it difficult to connect with a positive and thriving vision for your future. A future that meets your needs, and not just the needs of those around you.
The women I work with can be dealing with one or some of the following:
- Children can be leaving home and the future can feel bleak without them
- Work can feel overwhelming and may give little pleasure
- Significant relationships can have ended or feel tired and lifeless
- Older relatives can need support with increased demands on time and energy
- Older children can have returned home to live, creating tension
- Our bodies can be changing and feel out of our control
- A sense of not having fulfilled our potential
- Be tired of running the same story and yearn for a new one.
I work with you to redefine what you need and want in your life, and to refocus and re-energize so that you can move forward and achieve these needs.
Alongside moving forward to where you need to be you will understand yourself better and be more:
- able to tune into yourself and what’s going on for you
- accepting of yourself and kinder to yourself too
- resilient to life challenges
- purposeful with your time and energy
- connected to your joy.
I know that each of our journeys is different. As a certified coach, I work intuitively by using a range of tools and approaches I’ve gathered over years of training and experience. I combine Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Psychodynamics, Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Enneagram Personality System, Transformational Coaching and Leadership Development.
Together we will listen to what you need. I’ll support you to create a path forward to a new chapter in your story, moving forward at the pace that’s right for you.
Until recently I’ve offered Leadership & Management coaching alongside Life Transition Coaching. Now I focus only on supporting women in their dynamic fifth and sixth decades. I believe in the power of women and particularly in the power of wise and life experienced women. We bring an energy that’s essential to create balance in our out-of-balance world. Looking around I see that many women in their forties and fifties settle for less than full power. This deprives the world of wise and empowered women at a time when the world is in deep need.
The experience of coaching with me will allow you to:
- Open yourself up to different ways of being and doing. When we lock ourselves into just one way, we limit our experience of the world and our impact upon it.
- Honour yourself by believing you are worth it and making space, time and energy available for the things that are important in your life.
- Trust yourself and the coaching process. Whatever the goal for the coaching journey, trusting in ourselves and the process will reveal what is needed to move forward.
- Let go of life as it has been and ready to explore life as it can be, with all its beauty, fulfilment and joy.
- Coaching is a deeply personal process. No one else lives your life and no one else will. It’s up to you how you move forward. When you embark on your coaching journey you are setting off on a unique path. You will be creating awareness. You will also make choices that have the capacity to enrich and transform your life. Having the right coach to go with you on your journey is fundamental.
The right coach for you is a coach with whom you feel comfortable about being who you are now. With whom you feel safe to share your thoughts and feelings. Who leaves you feeling respected and valued. Change is challenging and the right coach for you will help you to feel uplifted and able to move forward despite these challenges.
If you are feeling ready to explore the possibility of coaching then find out if I’m the coach for you. I offer a free one-hour Coaching Discovery Session with no obligation for either of us. It’s an opportunity to check-in, explore possibilities and consider potential ways forward. I love to connect with women who are on the cusp of reclaiming their power.
Request Your Free Coaching Discovery Session Now
If you’re a woman in your forties or fifties and you know that something needs to change then I’m here to work with you.