I’m Moira Spence.
I will help you to value yourself, be yourself and be empowered to create the life you deserve.

I’m Moira Spence.
I will help you to value yourself, be yourself and empower yourself to create the life you deserve.
Reaching our forties and fifties brings us to one of the most dynamic phases of a woman’s life, full of possibilities and potential – a time when we can find ourselves and be ourselves in powerful new ways.
I’m a Life Transition Coach working with women from 40 years onwards.
Together we can find your path towards a future you value.
Often our forties and fifties don’t feel dynamic! Instead, it can feel as though we:
- are overwhelmed; with multiple responsibilities and stuck amid life as it is.
- have lost our way; despite many positives in our lives, our deepest needs are unheard.
- are living joyless lives; feeling bored, detached, unchallenged with nothing quite right around us.
- have wasted time; our projects and dreams for ourselves have not manifested.
- have lost our younger life; labeling ourselves ‘past it’ and fear that the best years of our life are over.
- must resign ourselves to a future of not feeling fully alive.
- undermine ourselves with criticism and self-blame, creating a downward spiral in our self-belief and reducing our capacity to speak up or act on our own behalf.
It doesn’t have to be like this. You can open a new chapter of your story to create a life in which you thrive.
You have rich life experience. You have accumulated an immense range of capabilities and skills. These are the foundation for the life you want for yourself.
You can open yourself to learning whatever you need that aligns with this new phase in your life. And you won’t be doing this alone! There is a change that comes to women in our forties and fifties. Now we have permission to attend to our own needs and give expression to our true selves. The technical term for this energy is self-actualisation. When we connect with it, we connect with a flow that moves us forward to being fully ourselves. This is releasing and freeing. We no longer need to conform to the demands that society places on us as women.
We are free to be ourselves, “actually me” or even “finally me”.
There are many ways to start on the path to a vibrant future life.
Taking time out for yourself is one significant step. It can begin with as little as 5 minutes a day. Every minute is valuable. It is important that this time is truly time-out just for you. Time devoted to attending to yourself in a way that is restorative and nurturing.
Some suggestions for your time out (to be repeated daily):
- think of three things that you are truly grateful for in your life today and write them down in a Gratitude Notebook;
- meditate;
- dance to music that you love;
- reflect on your past 24 hours and identify any moments where you felt more alive;
- walk in nature for as many minutes as you have available;
- write down everything that’s on your mind without judgement of yourself;
- send an email to someone you value letting them know how much you appreciate them
- and this is just the beginning…….
Another step you can take is to book a Free Coaching Discovery Session with me. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.
Book your Coaching Discovery Session below
I coach women in their forties and fifties supporting them to move forward valuing themselves, being themselves and feeling empowered to create the life they know they need and want.
Moira Spence
Request Your Free Coaching Discovery Session Now
If you’re a woman in your forties or fifties and you know that something needs to change then I’m here to work with you.